Day Number 13,116
How many days have you been alive? Did you know that you can use a free calculating website to determine how many days since the day you were born? Several months ago, I began keeping track of what number day I was currently living. Today I am 13,116 days old. Why does it matter? More than just being an interesting fact, I have found that acknowledging how many days God has allowed me to live on this earth brings me to thankfulness and a sense of duty to not waste a single day.
I am 35 and life has gone by quickly. I have never heard someone say that life takes its time and goes too slowly (except perhaps a child waiting for their birthday to come). For God, time is different all together as He lives in eternal reign and has watched empires rise and fall and many millions of men die and turn to grass (Psalm 90:3-6). Even though “time flies,” this does not mean that each day is not significant. In fact, each day should be viewed as a gift and a treasure, not to be taken for granted. This very day could be our last.
Everyone has heard the phrase “Seize the Day” or “Carpe Diem.” What are we seizing it for? Our own goals and ambitions? Are we just trying to simply “get through” the day so we can collapse in front of the TV at night just to repeat it all again tomorrow? Life is challenging and has its work and toil, yet it is also open-ended in possibilities. How we approach the work in our lives as well as the activities we fill our free time with all matter greatly.
Consider this passage from Psalm 90:
“So teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom...O satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days...Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us; and confirm for us the work of our hands: Yes, confirm the work of our hands.” (Psalm 90:12, 14, and 17)
Why do we pay special attention to each day? So that we can be reminded that our days ARE numbered and therefore use them wisely and to gain wisdom. Even in the busy and mundane we have an opportunity to gain wisdom and serve the Lord. Washing the dishes or driving to work can be a time of meditating on scripture, singing a song of praise, or having a conversation with our Lord. Interacting with clients or family members can be an opportunity to serve and follow in the example of our perfect humble Savior. Every act and word if done in the right spirit becomes a way to honor our Lord and to grow in godly character and wisdom.
The worthwhile life is not one that is spent on a beach in a lounge chair. Instead, it is a life poured out for the Lord and filled with the work He gives your hands to do. There are times and seasons of being still and those have their purpose, but there is also a path of work that God is laying out before us to accomplish (Ephesians 2:10). Ironically, the poured-out life is the one that is most fulfilled. If we live life trying to keep as much of our time and resources to ourselves, we will wind up feeling empty. This is because only God can fill and satisfy. The wonderful thing about pouring yourself out for God, is that He is there to refill you with His peace, love, comfort, and strength. Unless we empty ourselves of ourselves, there is no room for the goodness of God in our hearts.
Well, friend...Carpe your Diem! Don’t waste a moment and live unto the glory of God!