Behold the Sunflower…

Behold the sunflower, what a noble sight! Sunflowers, unlike most flowers in the garden, do not flaunt delicate petals or a gentle fragrance seeking to entice those passing by, instead, they exhibit a boldness and strength that can leave you in awe. Whether they are in a yellow sea of comrades or stand alone on the edge of a corn patch, they are truly captivating to behold.  From the moment it sprouts, the sunflower is on a mission to seek the sun. Much energy goes into rising high above the soil leaving the weeds and other foliage far below. Its sturdy stem supports the head as it rises higher and higher, stretching toward its goal and not stopping until it has reached the extent of its height. Now the flower unfolds. With great anticipation it opens its petals to gaze at the sun with reverence and affection. Finally, its face can bask in the warmth and light. Never again will the sunflower doubt its devotion. Never will it wonder if all the stretching and growing to reach this point was worth it. For the rest of its life, it will follow the sun.

Every day the young sunflower directs its face toward the sun and as the sun tracks across the sky, the sunflower faithfully turns its giant head. No other sight can distract from the sunflower’s devotion. Whether it be from this loyalty to follow the sun or from the fact that its ring of petals emanates a radiance reminiscent of the sun, the sunflower is rightly named.  As the flower matures and deepens its intimacy with the sun, it no longer finds need to move its head back and forth each day. Instead, it fixes its gaze perpetually east, expectantly awaiting the sun each morning as it rises, for it is familiar with the course of the sun after tracking it day after day during its youth. The mature sunflower has faith in the unchanging nature of the sun and now waits confidently through the dark night, facing east, watching for the first glow of twilight to arrive and the ruling sun to once again fulfill its eternal course.  

Furthermore, from its celestial position, the sun rewards its unwavering follower by supplying it with life and energy. The sun was there when, as a seed, the sunflower fell to the ground. The sun watched through the sleepy cold winter as the seed lay buried at times under the snow and waited patiently for the time when its rays would warm the seed to life. The sun cheered on the little sprout as it climbed higher and spread its leaves out to receive the light it was given. The sun sustained the flower as it moved back and forth following where the sun might lead. Now, due to the tender care of the sunshine, the bright cheerful face of the sunflower becomes almost like a mirror, reflecting the golden glory of the heavenly light. When the sunflower begins to age and the petals become dim and dry, even then the sun has not failed its cherished faithful flower. The energy and strength of the sun has produced in the sunflower a ripe harvest of seeds. Some seeds will provide much needed food for birds in the winter months. Many seeds, however, will fall and sprout. These seeds will bring forth more giant blooms that will also seek the sun and grace the earth with their shining faces; reminding us of what it looks like to follow the Son with all our hearts and find our delight in Him.


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